Dark Shadows Memories Audio Edition CD


Dark Shadows—the show that wouldn’t die!
Original Dark Shadows actress Kathryn Leigh Scott, who portayed vampire Barnabas Collins’
doomed fiancé Josette Du Prés, as well as Collinsport Inn waitress Maggie Evans, offers a
warm and fascinating recollection of her first professional acting job starring in the 1966–71 Gothic
daytime drama that has become a legendary cult television classic.
On two full-length compact discs, you’ll hear Kathryn recall the fear and excitement of "live on tape"
daily television plus humorous anecdotes about her co-stars. She also provides a candid discussion
of the pop culture phenomenon that Dark Shadows became as well as the undying passion the show
commands over thirty years later. This audio book is enhanced with original soundtrack music by
composer Robert Cobert, including Josette’s Theme and several previously unavailable selections.

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